Samstag, 16. Juni 2007

Endless odyssey

viel mir beim durchforsten alter sachen wieder in die hände:
damals im rahmen des englischunterrichtes entstanden
aufgabe war: ein gedicht in dem die wörter "black sun" vorkommen

f Endless odyssey e

Deep as night
A frozen nightmare
Dream of dream
Shadows of my woe

Disintegrated soul

I've seen the other side
The white seraph
Snow contains
The word of love
A spiritual embrace

The salvation arrive
A florid appearance
What wonderful shining

But glowing light just burn
In the end truth is a scourge
No elysium for anyone

A dirge
To the vanquished
And at last

I know I have to go
Searching another truth
- another place

Spoken damnation
My darkest pain

A white dusk
Trees of ice
Mutilated creatures
A scream of fear

In the snare
Of the mistress
A seraph of blood

Abominated seductress
In the sepulchre of sin
Her eternal lust

Bleeding rose
In the fog of swoon
A tempest of destruction

No joyous way

So I know I have to go
Searching another truth
- and the black sun rise


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